| Communicator () |
| Default constructor not specifying any MPI communicator and using MPI_COMM_WORLD by default.
| Communicator (MPI_Comm comm, bool take_ownership=false) |
| Constructor where an MPI communicator has to be specified.
| Communicator (MPI_Comm comm, int root, bool take_ownership=false) |
| Constructor where an MPI communicator and the default root have to be specified.
| Communicator (Communicator const &other) |
| Copy constructor that duplicates the MPI_Comm and takes ownership of the newly created one in the copy.
| Communicator (Communicator &&other) |
| Move constructor.
virtual | ~Communicator () |
| Destructor that frees the contained MPI_Comm if it is owned by the Communicator.
Communicator & | operator= (Communicator &&other) |
| Move assignment operator.
Communicator & | operator= (Communicator const &other) |
| Copy assignment operator. Behaves according to the copy constructor.
void | swap (Communicator &other) |
| Swaps the Communicator with another Communicator.
void | abort (int errorcode=1) const |
| Terminates MPI execution environment (on all processes in this Communicator). Beware of MPI implementations who might terminate all processes, whether they are in this communicator or not.
int | rank_signed () const |
| Rank of the current MPI process in the communicator as int .
size_t | rank () const |
| Rank of the current MPI process in the communicator as size_t .
int | size_signed () const |
| Number of MPI processes in this communicator as int .
size_t | size () const |
| Number of MPI processes in this communicator as size_t .
size_t | num_numa_nodes () const |
| Number of NUMA nodes (different shared memory regions) in this communicator. This operation is expensive (communicator splitting and communication). You should cache the result if you need it multiple times.
std::string | processor_name () const |
| Get this 'processor's' name using MPI_Get_processor_name .
MPI_Comm | mpi_communicator () const |
| MPI communicator corresponding to this communicator.
MPI_Comm | disown_mpi_communicator () |
| Disowns the wrapped MPI_Comm, i.e. it will not be freed in the destructor.
void | default_tag (int const default_tag) |
| Set a new default tag used in point to point communication. The initial value is 0.
int | default_tag () const |
| Default tag used in point to point communication. The initial value is 0.
void | root (int const new_root) |
| Set a new root for MPI operations that require a root.
void | root (size_t const new_root) |
| Set a new root for MPI operations that require a root.
size_t | root () const |
| Default root for MPI operations that require a root as size_t .
int | root_signed () const |
| Default root for MPI operations that require a root as int .
bool | is_root (int const root) const |
| Check if this rank is the root rank.
bool | is_root (size_t const root) const |
| Check if this rank is the root rank.
bool | is_root () const |
| Check if this rank is the root rank.
Communicator | split (int const color, int const key=0) const |
| Split the communicator in different colors.
Communicator | split_by_type (int const type) const |
| Split the communicator by the specified type (e.g., shared memory)
Communicator | split_to_shared_memory () const |
| Split the communicator into NUMA nodes.
Group | group () const |
| Return the group associated with this communicator.
template<typename Ranks > |
Communicator | create_subcommunicators (Ranks const &ranks_in_own_group) const |
| Create subcommunicators.
Communicator | create_subcommunicators (RankRanges const &rank_ranges) const |
| Create (sub-)communicators using a sparse representation for the ranks contained in the subcommunicators.
CommunicatorComparisonResult | compare (Communicator const &other_comm) const |
| Compare this communicator with another given communicator. Uses MPI_Comm_compare internally.
int | convert_rank_to_communicator (int const rank, Communicator const &other_comm) const |
| Convert a rank from this communicator to the rank in another communicator.
int | convert_rank_from_communicator (int const rank, Communicator const &other_comm) const |
| Convert a rank from another communicator to the rank in this communicator.
size_t | rank_shifted_checked (int const distance) const |
| Computes a rank that is distance ranks away from this MPI thread's current rank and checks if this is valid rank in this communicator.
size_t | rank_shifted_cyclic (int const distance) const |
| Computes a rank that is some ranks apart from this MPI thread's rank modulo the communicator's size.
bool | is_valid_rank (int const rank) const |
| Checks if a rank is a valid rank for this communicator, i.e., if the rank is in [0, size).
bool | is_valid_rank (size_t const rank) const |
| Checks if a rank is a valid rank for this communicator, i.e., if the rank is in [0, size).
void | mpi_error_hook (int const error_code, std::string const &callee) const |
| If error_code != MPI_SUCCESS , searchs the plugins for a public mpi_error_handler(const
int error_code, std::string& callee) member. Searches the plugins front to back and calls the first handler found. If no handler is found, calls the default error hook. If error code is MPI_SUCCESS , does nothing.
void | mpi_error_default_handler (int const error_code, std::string const &function_name) const |
| Default MPI error callback. Depending on KASSERT_EXCEPTION_MODE either throws a MpiErrorException if error_code != MPI_SUCCESS or fails an assertion.
template<typename... Args> |
void | send (Args... args) const |
template<typename... Args> |
void | bsend (Args... args) const |
| Convenience wrapper for MPI_Bsend. Calls kamping::Communicator::send() with the appropriate send mode set.
template<typename... Args> |
void | ssend (Args... args) const |
| Convenience wrapper for MPI_Ssend. Calls kamping::Communicator::send() with the appropriate send mode set.
template<typename... Args> |
void | rsend (Args... args) const |
| Convenience wrapper for MPI_Rsend. Calls kamping::Communicator::send() with the appropriate send mode set.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | isend (Args... args) const |
template<typename... Args> |
auto | ibsend (Args... args) const |
| Convenience wrapper for MPI_Ibsend. Calls kamping::Communicator::isend() with the appropriate send mode set.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | issend (Args... args) const |
| Convenience wrapper for MPI_Issend. Calls kamping::Communicator::isend() with the appropriate send mode set.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | irsend (Args... args) const |
| Convenience wrapper for MPI_Irsend. Calls kamping::Communicator::isend() with the appropriate send mode set.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | probe (Args... args) const |
template<typename... Args> |
auto | iprobe (Args... args) const |
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | recv (Args... args) const |
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam , typename... Args> |
auto | recv_single (Args... args) const |
| Convience wrapper for receiving single values via MPI_Recv .
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | try_recv (Args... args) const |
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | irecv (Args... args) const |
template<typename... Args> |
auto | alltoall (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Alltoall .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | alltoall_inplace (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for the in-place version of Communicator::alltoall.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | alltoallv (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Alltoallv .
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | scatter (Args... args) const |
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | scatter_single (Args... args) const |
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | scatterv (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Scatterv .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | reduce (Args... args) const |
template<typename... Args> |
auto | reduce_single (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Reduce .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | scan (Args... args) const |
template<typename... Args> |
auto | scan_inplace (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for the in-place version of Communicator::scan().
template<typename... Args> |
auto | scan_single (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Scan for single elements.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | exscan (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Exscan .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | exscan_inplace (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for the in-place version of Communicator::exscan().
template<typename... Args> |
auto | exscan_single (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_exscan for single elements.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | allreduce (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Allreduce ; which is semantically a reduction followed by a broadcast.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | allreduce_inplace (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for the in-place version of Communicator::allreduce().
template<typename... Args> |
auto | allreduce_single (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Allreduce ; which is semantically a reduction followed by a broadcast.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | iallreduce (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Iallreduce .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | gather (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Gather .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | gatherv (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Gatherv .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | allgather (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Allgather .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | allgather_inplace (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for the in-place version of MPI_Allgather .
template<typename... Args> |
auto | allgatherv (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Allgatherv .
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | bcast (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Bcast .
template<typename recv_value_type_tparam = kamping::internal::unused_tparam, typename... Args> |
auto | bcast_single (Args... args) const |
| Wrapper for MPI_Bcast .
template<typename... Args> |
void | barrier (Args... args) const |
| Perform a MPI_Barrier on this communicator.
template<typename... Args> |
auto | ibarrier (Args... args) const |
| Perform a non-blocking barrier synchronization on this communicator using MPI_Ibarrier . The call is associated with a kamping::Request (either allocated by KaMPIng or provided by the user). Only when the request has completed, it is guaranteed that all ranks have reached the barrier.
template<typename Value > |
bool | is_same_on_all_ranks (Value const &value) const |
| Checks if all ranks provide the same value to this collective.