KaMPIng 0.1.0
(Near) zero-overhead C++ MPI bindings.
No Matches
1// This file is part of KaMPIng.
3// Copyright 2022-2024 The KaMPIng Authors
5// KaMPIng is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
7// version. KaMPIng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
8// implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
9// for more details.
11// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with KaMPIng. If not, see
12// <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
14#pragma once
16#include <cstddef>
17#include <numeric>
18#include <tuple>
19#include <type_traits>
21#include <kassert/kassert.hpp>
22#include <mpi.h>
24#include "kamping/assertion_levels.hpp"
26#include "kamping/collectives/barrier.hpp"
27#include "kamping/collectives/collectives_helpers.hpp"
28#include "kamping/collectives/ibarrier.hpp"
29#include "kamping/comm_helper/is_same_on_all_ranks.hpp"
30#include "kamping/communicator.hpp"
35#include "kamping/p2p/iprobe.hpp"
36#include "kamping/p2p/isend.hpp"
37#include "kamping/p2p/recv.hpp"
38#include "kamping/request_pool.hpp"
39#include "kamping/result.hpp"
41/// @addtogroup kamping_collectives
42/// @{
44/// @brief Wrapper for \c MPI_Alltoall.
46/// This wrapper for \c MPI_Alltoall sends the same amount of data from each rank to each rank. The following
47/// buffers are required:
48/// - \ref kamping::send_buf() containing the data that is sent to each rank. This buffer has to be the same size at
49/// each rank and divisible by the size of the communicator unless a send_count or a send_type is explicitly given as
50/// parameter. Each rank receives the same number of elements from this buffer.
52/// The following parameters are optional:
53/// - \ref kamping::send_count() specifying how many elements are sent. If
54/// omitted, the size of send buffer divided by communicator size is used.
55/// This parameter is mandatory if \ref kamping::send_type() is given.
57/// - \ref kamping::recv_count() specifying how many elements are received. If
58/// omitted, the value of send_counts will be used.
59/// This parameter is mandatory if \ref kamping::recv_type() is given.
61/// - \ref kamping::recv_buf() specifying a buffer for the output. A buffer of at least
62/// `recv_count * communicator size` is required.
64/// - \ref kamping::send_type() specifying the \c MPI datatype to use as send type. If omitted, the \c MPI datatype is
65/// derived automatically based on send_buf's underlying \c value_type.
67/// - \ref kamping::recv_type() specifying the \c MPI datatype to use as recv type. If omitted, the \c MPI datatype is
68/// derived automatically based on recv_buf's underlying \c value_type.
70/// Inplace alltoall is supported by passing send_recv_buf as parameter. This changes the requirements for the other
71/// parameters, see \ref Communicator::alltoall_inplace.
73/// @tparam Args Automatically deduced template parameters.
74/// @param args All required and any number of the optional buffers described above.
75/// @return Result type wrapping the output parameters to be returned by value.
77/// @see \ref docs/parameter_handling.md for general information about parameter handling in KaMPIng.
78/// <hr>
79/// \include{doc} docs/resize_policy.dox
80template <
81 template <typename...>
82 typename DefaultContainerType,
83 template <typename, template <typename...> typename>
84 typename... Plugins>
85template <typename... Args>
87 using namespace internal;
89 if constexpr (inplace) {
90 return this->alltoall_inplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
91 } else {
93 Args,
96 );
98 // Get the buffers
99 auto const&& send_buf =
100 internal::select_parameter_type<internal::ParameterType::send_buf>(args...).construct_buffer_or_rebind();
101 using send_value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(send_buf)>::value_type;
102 using default_recv_value_type = std::remove_const_t<send_value_type>;
106 auto&& recv_buf =
107 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::recv_buf, default_recv_buf_type>(
108 std::tuple(),
109 args...
110 )
112 using recv_value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(recv_buf)>::value_type;
114 static_assert(!std::is_const_v<recv_value_type>, "The receive buffer must not have a const value_type.");
116 auto&& [send_type, recv_type] =
117 internal::determine_mpi_datatypes<send_value_type, recv_value_type, decltype(recv_buf)>(args...);
118 [[maybe_unused]] constexpr bool recv_type_has_to_be_deduced = has_to_be_computed<decltype(recv_type)>;
120 // Get the send counts
122 auto&& send_count =
123 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::send_count, default_send_count_type>(
124 std::tuple(),
125 args...
126 )
127 .construct_buffer_or_rebind();
129 if constexpr (do_compute_send_count) {
130 send_count.underlying() = asserting_cast<int>(send_buf.size() / size());
131 }
132 // Get the recv counts
134 auto&& recv_count =
135 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::recv_count, default_recv_count_type>(
136 std::tuple(),
137 args...
138 )
139 .construct_buffer_or_rebind();
142 if constexpr (do_compute_recv_count) {
143 recv_count.underlying() = send_count.get_single_element();
144 }
147 (!do_compute_send_count || send_buf.size() % size() == 0lu),
148 "There are no send counts given and the number of elements in send_buf is not divisible by the number of "
149 "ranks "
150 "in the communicator.",
152 );
154 auto compute_required_recv_buf_size = [&]() {
155 return asserting_cast<size_t>(recv_count.get_single_element()) * size();
156 };
157 recv_buf.resize_if_requested(compute_required_recv_buf_size);
159 // if the recv type is user provided, kamping cannot make any assumptions about the required size of the
160 // recv buffer
162 "Recv buffer is not large enough to hold all received elements.",
164 );
166 // These KASSERTs are required to avoid a false warning from g++ in release mode
167 KASSERT(send_buf.data() != nullptr, assert::light);
168 KASSERT(recv_buf.data() != nullptr, assert::light);
170 [[maybe_unused]] int err = MPI_Alltoall(
171 send_buf.data(), // send_buf
172 send_count.get_single_element(), // send_count
173 send_type.get_single_element(), // send_type
174 recv_buf.data(), // recv_buf
175 recv_count.get_single_element(), // recv_count
176 recv_type.get_single_element(), // recv_type
177 mpi_communicator() // comm
178 );
180 this->mpi_error_hook(err, "MPI_Alltoall");
181 return make_mpi_result<std::tuple<Args...>>(
182 std::move(recv_buf), // recv_buf
183 std::move(send_count), // send_count
184 std::move(recv_count), // recv_count
185 std::move(send_type), // send_type
186 std::move(recv_type) // recv_type
187 );
188 }
191/// @brief Wrapper for the in-place version of \ref Communicator::alltoall.
193/// This variant must be called collectively by all ranks in the communicator. It sends the same amount of data from
194/// each rank to each rank, using the same buffer for sending and receiving data.
196/// The following parameteres are required:
198/// - \ref kamping::send_recv_buf() containing the data that is sent to each rank and received from each rank. The size
199/// of this buffer has to be the same at each rank and divisible by the size of the communicator unless a
200/// send_recv_count or a send_recv_type is explicitly given as parameter. Each rank receives the same number of elements
201/// from this buffer.
203/// The following parameters are optional:
205/// - \ref kamping::send_recv_count() specifying how many elements are sent and received. If
206/// omitted, the size of send_recv_buf divided by communicator size is used.
207/// This parameter is mandatory if \ref kamping::send_recv_type() is given.
208/// -
209/// \ref kamping::send_recv_type() specifying the \c MPI datatype to use as send and recv type. If omitted, the \c MPI
210/// datatype is derived automatically based on send_recv_buf's underlying \c value_type.
212/// @tparam Args Automatically deduced template parameters.
213/// @param args All required and any number of the optional buffers described above.
214/// @return Result type wrapping the output parameters to be returned by value.
216/// @see \ref docs/parameter_handling.md for general information about parameter handling in KaMPIng.
217/// <hr>
218/// \include{doc} docs/resize_policy.dox
219template <
220 template <typename...>
221 typename DefaultContainerType,
222 template <typename, template <typename...> typename>
223 typename... Plugins>
224template <typename... Args>
226 using namespace internal;
228 Args,
231 );
233 auto&& send_recv_buf =
234 internal::select_parameter_type<internal::ParameterType::send_recv_buf>(args...).construct_buffer_or_rebind();
235 using send_recv_value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(send_recv_buf)>::value_type;
236 auto&& send_recv_type =
237 internal::determine_mpi_send_recv_datatype<send_recv_value_type, decltype(send_recv_buf)>(args...);
238 [[maybe_unused]] constexpr bool send_recv_type_has_to_be_deduced = has_to_be_computed<decltype(send_recv_type)>;
240 // Get the optional recv_count parameter. If the parameter is not given, allocate a new container.
242 auto&& count_param = internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<ParameterType::send_recv_count, default_count_type>(
243 std::tuple(),
244 args...
245 )
246 .construct_buffer_or_rebind();
247 constexpr bool count_has_to_be_computed = has_to_be_computed<decltype(count_param)>;
250 (!count_has_to_be_computed || send_recv_buf.size() % size() == 0lu),
251 "There is no send_recv_count given and the number of elements in send_recv_buf is not divisible by the number "
252 "of "
253 "ranks "
254 "in the communicator.",
256 );
258 if constexpr (count_has_to_be_computed) {
259 count_param.underlying() = asserting_cast<int>(send_recv_buf.size() / size());
260 }
261 auto compute_required_recv_buf_size = [&]() {
262 return asserting_cast<size_t>(count_param.get_single_element()) * size();
263 };
266 // if the type is user provided, kamping cannot make any assumptions about the required size of the
267 // buffer
269 "send_recv_buf is not large enough to hold all received elements.",
271 );
272 int err = MPI_Alltoall(
273 MPI_IN_PLACE, // send_buf
274 0, // send_count (ignored)
275 MPI_DATATYPE_NULL, // send_type (ignored)
276 send_recv_buf.data(), // recv_buf
277 count_param.get_single_element(), // recv_count
278 send_recv_type.get_single_element(), // recv_type
279 mpi_communicator() // comm
280 );
281 this->mpi_error_hook(err, "MPI_Alltoall");
283 return make_mpi_result<std::tuple<Args...>>(
284 std::move(send_recv_buf),
285 std::move(count_param),
286 std::move(send_recv_type)
287 );
290/// @brief Wrapper for \c MPI_Alltoallv.
292/// This wrapper for \c MPI_Alltoallv sends the different amounts of data from each rank to each rank. The following
293/// buffers are required:
294/// - \ref kamping::send_buf() containing the data that is sent to each rank. The size of this buffer has to be at least
295/// the sum of the send_counts argument.
297/// - \ref kamping::send_counts() containing the number of elements to send to each rank.
299/// The following parameters are optional but result in communication overhead if omitted:
300/// - \ref kamping::recv_counts() containing the number of elements to receive from each rank.
301/// This parameter is mandatory if \ref kamping::recv_type() is given.
303/// The following buffers are optional:
304/// - \ref kamping::recv_buf() specifying a buffer for the output. Afterwards, this buffer will contain
305/// the data received as specified for send_buf. A buffer size of at least `max(recv_counts[i] +
306/// recv_displs[i])` for \c i in `[0, communicator size)` elements is required.
308/// - \ref kamping::send_displs() containing the offsets of the messages in send_buf. The `send_counts[i]` elements
309/// starting at `send_buf[send_displs[i]]` will be sent to rank `i`. If omitted, this is calculated as the exclusive
310/// prefix-sum of `send_counts`.
312/// - \ref kamping::recv_displs() containing the offsets of the messages in recv_buf. The `recv_counts[i]` elements
313/// starting at `recv_buf[recv_displs[i]]` will be received from rank `i`. If omitted, this is calculated as the
314/// exclusive prefix-sum of `recv_counts`.
316/// - \ref kamping::send_type() specifying the \c MPI datatype to use as send type. If omitted, the \c MPI datatype is
317/// derived automatically based on send_buf's underlying \c value_type.
319/// - \ref kamping::recv_type() specifying the \c MPI datatype to use as recv type. If omitted, the \c MPI datatype is
320/// derived automatically based on recv_buf's underlying \c value_type.
322/// @tparam Args Automatically deduced template parameters.
323/// @param args All required and any number of the optional buffers described above.
324/// @return Result object wrapping the output parameters to be returned by value.
326/// @see \ref docs/parameter_handling.md for general information about parameter handling in KaMPIng.
327/// <hr>
328/// \include{doc} docs/resize_policy.dox
329template <
330 template <typename...>
331 typename DefaultContainerType,
332 template <typename, template <typename...> typename>
333 typename... Plugins>
334template <typename... Args>
336 // Get all parameter objects
338 Args,
341 );
343 // Get send_buf
344 auto const& send_buf =
345 internal::select_parameter_type<internal::ParameterType::send_buf>(args...).construct_buffer_or_rebind();
346 using send_value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(send_buf)>::value_type;
347 using default_recv_value_type = std::remove_const_t<send_value_type>;
349 // Get recv_buf
351 auto&& recv_buf =
352 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::recv_buf, default_recv_buf_type>(
353 std::tuple(),
354 args...
355 )
357 using recv_value_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(recv_buf)>::value_type;
359 // Get send/recv types
360 auto&& [send_type, recv_type] =
361 internal::determine_mpi_datatypes<send_value_type, recv_value_type, decltype(recv_buf)>(args...);
365 // Get send_counts
366 auto const& send_counts = internal::select_parameter_type<internal::ParameterType::send_counts>(args...)
368 using send_counts_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(send_counts)>::value_type;
369 static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<send_counts_type>, int>, "Send counts must be of type int");
370 static_assert(
372 "Send counts must be given as an input parameter"
373 );
374 KASSERT(send_counts.size() >= this->size(), "Send counts buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
376 // Get recv_counts
378 auto&& recv_counts =
379 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::recv_counts, default_recv_counts_type>(
380 std::tuple(),
381 args...
382 )
384 using recv_counts_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(recv_counts)>::value_type;
385 static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<recv_counts_type>, int>, "Recv counts must be of type int");
387 // Get send_displs
389 auto&& send_displs =
390 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::send_displs, default_send_displs_type>(
391 std::tuple(),
392 args...
393 )
395 using send_displs_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(send_displs)>::value_type;
396 static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<send_displs_type>, int>, "Send displs must be of type int");
398 // Get recv_displs
400 auto&& recv_displs =
401 internal::select_parameter_type_or_default<internal::ParameterType::recv_displs, default_recv_displs_type>(
402 std::tuple(),
403 args...
404 )
406 using recv_displs_type = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(recv_displs)>::value_type;
407 static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<recv_displs_type>, int>, "Recv displs must be of type int");
409 static_assert(!std::is_const_v<recv_value_type>, "The receive buffer must not have a const value_type.");
411 // Calculate recv_counts if necessary
414 is_same_on_all_ranks(do_calculate_recv_counts),
415 "Receive counts are given on some ranks and have to be computed on others",
417 );
418 if constexpr (do_calculate_recv_counts) {
419 /// @todo make it possible to test whether this additional communication is skipped
420 recv_counts.resize_if_requested([&]() { return this->size(); });
421 KASSERT(recv_counts.size() >= this->size(), "Recv counts buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
422 this->alltoall(kamping::send_buf(send_counts.get()), kamping::recv_buf(recv_counts.get()));
423 } else {
424 KASSERT(recv_counts.size() >= this->size(), "Recv counts buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
425 }
427 // Calculate send_displs if necessary
430 is_same_on_all_ranks(do_calculate_send_displs),
431 "Send displacements are given on some ranks and have to be computed on others",
433 );
435 if constexpr (do_calculate_send_displs) {
436 send_displs.resize_if_requested([&]() { return this->size(); });
437 KASSERT(send_displs.size() >= this->size(), "Send displs buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
438 std::exclusive_scan(send_counts.data(), send_counts.data() + this->size(), send_displs.data(), 0);
439 } else {
440 KASSERT(send_displs.size() >= this->size(), "Send displs buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
441 }
443 // Check that send displs and send counts are large enough
445 // if the send type is user provided, kamping cannot make any assumptions about the size of the send
446 // buffer
448 || *(send_counts.data() + this->size() - 1) + // Last element of send_counts
449 *(send_displs.data() + this->size() - 1) // Last element of send_displs
450 <= asserting_cast<int>(send_buf.size()),
452 );
454 // Calculate recv_displs if necessary
457 is_same_on_all_ranks(do_calculate_recv_displs),
458 "Receive displacements are given on some ranks and have to be computed on others",
460 );
461 if constexpr (do_calculate_recv_displs) {
462 recv_displs.resize_if_requested([&]() { return this->size(); });
463 KASSERT(recv_displs.size() >= this->size(), "Recv displs buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
464 std::exclusive_scan(recv_counts.data(), recv_counts.data() + this->size(), recv_displs.data(), 0);
465 } else {
466 KASSERT(recv_displs.size() >= this->size(), "Recv displs buffer is not large enough.", assert::light);
467 }
469 auto compute_required_recv_buf_size = [&]() {
470 return compute_required_recv_buf_size_in_vectorized_communication(recv_counts, recv_displs, this->size());
471 };
473 recv_buf.resize_if_requested(compute_required_recv_buf_size);
475 // if the recv type is user provided, kamping cannot make any assumptions about the required size of the recv
476 // buffer
478 "Recv buffer is not large enough to hold all received elements.",
480 );
482 // Do the actual alltoallv
484 send_buf.data(), // send_buf
485 send_counts.data(), // send_counts
486 send_displs.data(), // send_displs
487 send_type.get_single_element(), // send_type
488 recv_buf.data(), // send_counts
489 recv_counts.data(), // recv_counts
490 recv_displs.data(), // recv_displs
491 recv_type.get_single_element(), // recv_type
492 mpi_communicator() // comm
493 );
495 this->mpi_error_hook(err, "MPI_Alltoallv");
497 return internal::make_mpi_result<std::tuple<Args...>>(
498 std::move(recv_buf), // recv_buf
499 std::move(recv_counts), // recv_counts
500 std::move(recv_displs), // recv_displs
501 std::move(send_displs), // send_displs
502 std::move(send_type), // send_type
503 std::move(recv_type) // recv_type
504 );
506/// @}
Helper functions that make casts safer.
STL-compatible allocator for requesting memory using the builtin MPI allocator.
Definition allocator.hpp:32
T value_type
The value type.
Definition allocator.hpp:53
constexpr int light
Assertion level for lightweight assertions.
Definition assertion_levels.hpp:13
constexpr int light_communication
Assertions that perform lightweight communication.
Definition assertion_levels.hpp:25
auto alltoall(Args... args) const
Wrapper for MPI_Alltoall.
Definition alltoall.hpp:86
auto alltoall_inplace(Args... args) const
Wrapper for the in-place version of Communicator::alltoall.
Definition alltoall.hpp:225
auto alltoallv(Args... args) const
Wrapper for MPI_Alltoallv.
Definition alltoall.hpp:335
static constexpr auto alloc_new
Convenience wrapper for creating library allocated containers. See AllocNewT for details.
Definition data_buffer.hpp:170
auto send_count(int count)
Passes count as send count to the underlying call.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:321
auto recv_counts(Container &&container)
Passes a container as recv counts to the underlying call, i.e. the container's storage must contain t...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:366
auto send_type(MPI_Datatype send_type)
Passes send_type as send type to the underlying call.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:1195
auto recv_buf(Container &&container)
Passes a container, into which the received elements will be written, to the underlying call....
Definition named_parameters.hpp:859
auto send_buf(internal::ignore_t< Data > ignore)
Generates a dummy send buf that wraps a nullptr.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:51
auto send_count_out()
Indicates to deduce the send count and return it to the caller as part of the underlying call's resul...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:347
auto send_recv_buf(Data &&data)
Passes a container/single value as a send or receive buffer to the underlying MPI call.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:137
auto recv_counts_out()
Indicates to construct a container with type kamping::Communicator::default_container_type<int>,...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:478
auto recv_displs_out()
Indicates to construct a container with type kamping::Communicator::default_container_type<int>,...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:802
auto send_counts(Container &&container)
Passes a container as send counts to the underlying call, i.e. the container's storage must contain t...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:203
auto send_recv_count(int count)
Passes count as send/recv count to the underlying call.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:529
auto recv_displs(Container &&container)
Passes a container as receive displacements to the underlying call, i.e. the container's storage must...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:697
auto recv_count(int count)
Passes count as recv count to the underlying call.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:490
auto send_displs_out()
Indicates to construct a container with type kamping::Communicator::default_container_type<int>,...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:679
auto recv_type(MPI_Datatype recv_type)
Passes recv_type as recv type to the underlying call.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:1238
auto send_displs(Container &&container)
Passes a container as send displacements to the underlying call, i.e. the container's storage must co...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:574
auto send_recv_type(MPI_Datatype send_recv_type)
Passes send_recv_type as send/recv type to the underlying call. (This parameter is in MPI routines su...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:1282
auto recv_count_out()
Indicates to deduce the recv count and return it to the caller as part of the underlying call's resul...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:516
auto send_recv_count_out()
Indicates to deduce the send/recv count and return it to the caller as part of the underlying call's ...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:555
constexpr bool has_parameter_type()
Checks if parameter with requested parameter type exists.
Definition named_parameter_selection.hpp:186
Utility that maps C++ types to types that can be understood by MPI.
Template magic to check named parameters passed to wrappers at compile time.
Wrapper to pass (possibly empty) list of parameter type names as required parameters to KAMPING_CHECK...
Definition named_parameter_check.hpp:52
Wrapper to pass (possibly empty) list of parameter type names as optional parameters to KAMPING_CHECK...
Definition named_parameter_check.hpp:58
#define KAMPING_CHECK_PARAMETERS(args, required, optional)
Assertion macro that checks if passed parameters are correct, i.e., all parameter types are unique,...
Definition named_parameter_check.hpp:80
Template magic to implement named parameters in cpp.
Factory methods for buffer wrappers.
auto make_mpi_result(Buffers &&... buffers)
Construct result object for a wrapped MPI call. Four different cases are handled: a) The recv_buffer ...
Definition result.hpp:1052
static constexpr bool has_to_be_computed
Checks if the buffer has to be computed by kamping, i.e. if it is an output parameter or the buffer h...
Definition named_parameter_check.hpp:398
Some functions and types simplifying/enabling the development of wrapped MPI calls in KaMPIng.