KaMPIng 0.1.1
Flexible and (near) zero-overhead C++ bindings for MPI
▼ include | |
▼ kamping | |
▼ collectives | |
▼ neighborhood | |
alltoall.hpp | |
allgather.hpp | |
allreduce.hpp | |
alltoall.hpp | |
barrier.hpp | |
bcast.hpp | |
collectives_helpers.hpp | |
exscan.hpp | |
gather.hpp | |
iallreduce.hpp | |
ibarrier.hpp | |
reduce.hpp | |
scan.hpp | |
scatter.hpp | |
▼ comm_helper | |
is_same_on_all_ranks.hpp | |
num_numa_nodes.hpp | |
▼ measurements | |
▼ internal | |
measurement_utils.hpp | |
aggregated_tree_node.hpp | |
counter.hpp | |
measurement_aggregation_definitions.hpp | |
printer.hpp | |
timer.hpp | |
▼ named_parameters_detail | |
status_parameters.hpp | |
▼ p2p | |
helpers.hpp | |
iprobe.hpp | |
irecv.hpp | |
isend.hpp | |
probe.hpp | |
recv.hpp | |
send.hpp | |
try_recv.hpp | |
▼ plugin | |
alltoall_dispatch.hpp | Plugin to dispatch to one of multiple possible algorithms for alltoallv exchanges |
alltoall_grid.hpp | Plugin to enable grid communication |
alltoall_sparse.hpp | File containing the SparseAlltoall plugin |
plugin_helpers.hpp | |
reproducible_reduce.hpp | |
sort.hpp | |
ulfm.hpp | |
▼ types | |
▼ unsafe | |
tuple.hpp | |
utility.hpp | |
tuple.hpp | |
utility.hpp | |
▼ utils | |
flatten.hpp | |
traits.hpp | |
allocator.hpp | |
assertion_levels.hpp | |
builtin_types.hpp | Mapping of C++ datatypes to builtin MPI types |
checking_casts.hpp | Helper functions that make casts safer |
communicator.hpp | |
data_buffer.hpp | |
distributed_graph_communicator.hpp | |
environment.hpp | Wrapper for MPI functions that don't require a communicator |
error_handling.hpp | Code for error handling |
group.hpp | An abstraction around MPI_Group |
has_member.hpp | Macros for generating concept-like type traits to check for member functions of objects |
implementation_helpers.hpp | |
kabool.hpp | |
mpi_constants.hpp | Wrapper for MPI constants |
mpi_datatype.hpp | Utility that maps C++ types to types that can be understood by MPI |
mpi_ops.hpp | Definitions for builtin MPI operations |
named_parameter_check.hpp | Template magic to check named parameters passed to wrappers at compile time |
named_parameter_filtering.hpp | |
named_parameter_selection.hpp | Template magic to implement named parameters in cpp |
named_parameter_types.hpp | File containing the parameter types used by the KaMPIng library |
named_parameters.hpp | Factory methods for buffer wrappers |
noexcept.hpp | Defines the macro KAMPING_NOEXCEPT to be used instad of noexcept |
operation_builder.hpp | |
parameter_objects.hpp | Parameter objects return by named parameter factory functions |
rank_ranges.hpp | Defines utility classes for communicator creation using range based ranks descriptions |
request.hpp | |
request_pool.hpp | |
result.hpp | Some functions and types simplifying/enabling the development of wrapped MPI calls in KaMPIng |
serialization.hpp | |
span.hpp | |
status.hpp | |
topology_communicator.hpp |