KaMPIng 0.1.1
Flexible and (near) zero-overhead C++ bindings for MPI
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 alltoall_dispatch.hppPlugin to dispatch to one of multiple possible algorithms for alltoallv exchanges
 alltoall_grid.hppPlugin to enable grid communication
 alltoall_sparse.hppFile containing the SparseAlltoall plugin
 builtin_types.hppMapping of C++ datatypes to builtin MPI types
 checking_casts.hppHelper functions that make casts safer
 environment.hppWrapper for MPI functions that don't require a communicator
 error_handling.hppCode for error handling
 group.hppAn abstraction around MPI_Group
 has_member.hppMacros for generating concept-like type traits to check for member functions of objects
 mpi_constants.hppWrapper for MPI constants
 mpi_datatype.hppUtility that maps C++ types to types that can be understood by MPI
 mpi_ops.hppDefinitions for builtin MPI operations
 named_parameter_check.hppTemplate magic to check named parameters passed to wrappers at compile time
 named_parameter_selection.hppTemplate magic to implement named parameters in cpp
 named_parameter_types.hppFile containing the parameter types used by the KaMPIng library
 named_parameters.hppFactory methods for buffer wrappers
 noexcept.hppDefines the macro KAMPING_NOEXCEPT to be used instad of noexcept
 parameter_objects.hppParameter objects return by named parameter factory functions
 rank_ranges.hppDefines utility classes for communicator creation using range based ranks descriptions
 result.hppSome functions and types simplifying/enabling the development of wrapped MPI calls in KaMPIng