KaMPIng 0.1.1
Flexible and (near) zero-overhead C++ bindings for MPI
No Matches
Passing Parameters in KaMPIng

A core feature of KaMPIng is the flexible named parameters concept, allowing the caller to name and pass parameters in arbitrary order and even omit certain parameters when the library is able to infer them (at the cost of additional computation/communication). With this approach, KaMPIng allows the user a fine-grained control over the parameter set which will be explained in greater detail in this document.

To illustrate the concept, we first look at the function signature of MPI_Alltoallv as defined in MPI-4.0 which takes a sendbuf of variable size on each PE i and sends messages of size sendcounts[j] from PE i to PE j where the messages are received into recvbuf. Apart from these three parameters, MPI requires additional information such as the number of elements to receive (recvcounts[]) or possible displacements (sdispls, rdispls) etc.

MPI_Alltoallv(const void *sendbuf, const int sendcounts[],
const int sdispls[], MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf,
const int recvcounts[], const int rdispls[],
MPI_Datatype recvtype, MPI_Comm comm)

In contrast to plain MPI, where the caller has to pass nine parameters to MPI_Alltoallv, KaMPIng requires only the sendbuf and sendcounts parameters. All other parameters are optional and are computed as follows (if omitted):

  • recvcounts are inferred through an additional call to MPI_Alltoall over the sendcounts.
  • sdispls and rdispls are defaulted to an exclusive prefix sum of the sendcounts and recvcounts, respectively.
  • sendtype and recvtype are inferred from the container's value_type storing the data to be sent (or received).

As outlined above, it is possible to pass any subset of the optional parameters, in any arbitrary order, to the wrapped function call.

This flexibility is enabled by KaMPIng's named parameter approach: Each argument passed to a wrapped MPI function is identified by a name instead of its position in the complete parameter list as in plain MPI.

Internally, named parameters are realized as factory functions which construct parameter objects inplace, but it's easier to think of this concept in terms of parameter_name(data).

Parameter Name Factory Function In-Parameter Factory Function Out-Parameter
send_buf send_buf(...) -
recv_buf - recv_buf_out(..)/recv_buf(...)
send_counts send_counts(...) send_counts_out(...)
send_displs send_displs(...) send_displs_out(...)
recv_counts recv_counts(...) recv_counts_out(...)
... ... ...

(See List of Named Parameters for a list of all named parameters currently used in KaMPIng.)

The named parameters passed to a wrapped MPI function serve either as in(put) or out(put) parameters. Through a named in parameter, the caller can provide input data to the wrapped MPI call, as exemplified by send_buf(data_to_send) or send_counts(counts) with data_to_send and counts accomodating the data to be sent and send counts, respectively. Using named out parameter the caller asks KaMPIng to internally compute/infer this parameter and output its value. Named output parameters are created via the respective *_out() suffix. The data requested via out parameters is then either directly written to a memory location passed to the named parameter factory function or returned in a std::tuple-like result object (depending on the ownership property, see Ownership).

One special case is the receive buffer (recv_buf(...)). Although being an out parameter, it does not need to be explicitly given as KaMPIng assumes that a caller always wants to obtain this buffer.

See the following examples for an illustration of the different options

std::vector<T> data = ...; // initialize data to send
std::vector<int> send_counts = ...; // initialize send counts
// a single (implicit) out parameter: recv buffer
auto recv_buf = comm.alltoallv(send_buf(data), send_counts(counts));
// out parameters: recv counts and recv buffer
auto result = comm.alltoallv(send_buf(data), send_counts(counts), recv_counts_out());
std::vector<T> recv_buf = result.extract_recv_counts();
std::vector<int> recv_counts = result.extract_recv_buf();
// or via structured bindings as auto [recv_buf, recv_counts] = comm.alltoallv(...);
// out parameter data is written to a specific memory location: recv counts and recv buffer
std::vector<int> recv_counts = ...; // allocate enough memory to hold recv counts
std::vector<T> recv_buffer = ...; // allocate enough memory to hold recv elements
// out parameter data is written to a specific memory location: recv counts and recv buffer
// potential resizing is done by KaMPIng
std::vector<int> recv_counts;
std::vector<T> recv_buffer;
auto send_counts(Container &&container)
Passes a container as send counts to the underlying call, i.e. the container's storage must contain t...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:205
auto recv_counts(Container &&container)
Passes a container as recv counts to the underlying call, i.e. the container's storage must contain t...
Definition named_parameters.hpp:368
auto send_buf(internal::ignore_t< Data > ignore)
Generates a dummy send buf that wraps a nullptr.
Definition named_parameters.hpp:53

To summarize, there are three ways to pass parameters to KaMPIng:

  1. in parameter: the caller directly provides the parameter required by the MPI call such as the sendbuf, sendcounts, recvcounts etc.
  2. out parameter: the caller does not provide the parameter but asks KaMPIng to internally compute/infer the parameter and return the value to the caller.
  3. omitted parameter: the caller does not provide the parameter and (implicitly) asks KaMPIng to internally compute/infer the parameter but is not interested in its value. Therefore it is discared once the wrapped MPI call has completed.

Note: KaMPIng will show an error message at compile time if any required parameter is missing.

Internally, a call to a named parameter factory function (send_buf(...), send_counts(...), ...) instantiates an object of the DataBuffer/DataBufferBuilder class encapsulating all passed data/memory and user request regarding potential output strategies.

Named Parameters and DataBuffers

To fully benefit from KaMPIng's parameter flexibility, we briefly present the most important concepts of the DataBuffer class. A DataBuffer wraps either a single value or a whole underlying C++ container. In the latter case, KaMPIng requires the container to

  • have contiguous memory,
  • expose its value_type
  • have a member function data() returning a pointer to the start of its memory
  • have and a member function size() returing the container's size.

If resizing of the container is requested, KaMPIng additionally requires the container to expose a resize(unsigned int) member function (see Resize Policy).

Futhermore, DataBuffer has multiple (orthogonal) properties with which the caller can control the behavior of corresponding parameter inside the wrapped MPI call:

  • type: <in, out, (inout)>
  • ownership: <owning, non-owning>
  • resize-policy: <no-resize, grow-only, resize-to-fit>

Parameter Type

Named parameters factory functions like send_counts(...), recv_counts(...) , ... generate DataBuffers with type property in. This signals that they wrap a container with meaningful input data which can be used by the MPI call directly, e.g. the send counts wrapped by send_counts(...).

The corresponding *_out named parameters instantiates DataBuffer objects with type property out. They do not contain meaningful data yet and will be filled with values during the wrapped MPI call.

DataBuffers with type inout correspond to named parameters like send_recv_buf(...) used in MPI_Bcast where data is sent on one root rank (in parameter) and received (out parameter) on all other ranks. Furthermore, passing send_recv_buf(...) to wrapped MPI routines such as MPI_Allreduce, MPI_Allgather,... indicates that the inplace version (MPI_INPLACE) will be used. See the corresponding Doxygen documentation for more information.


This property simply determines whether a DataBuffer owns its underlying data following the corresponding C++ ownership concept and is most important for out parameters. A DataBuffer references (non-owns) its container if the latter has been passed to the named parameter as an lvalue as in send_buf(data) or recv_buf_out(recv_buffer). Otherwise a DataBuffer is owning, e.g. for recv_buf_out(), recv_buf_out(std::move(recv_buffer)).

Note that a named (out) parameter without associated underlying container (such as recv_buf_out()) implies that the caller asks KaMPIng to allocate the memory to hold the computed/infered values. This results in an owning container, which is allocated by KaMPIng and ownership is transferred to the caller upon return.

Furthermore, the ownership of an out parameter is important as it specifies how the computed data will be returned to the caller. Owning out parameters are moved to a result object which is returned by value. Non-owning out parameters write their data directly to their associated underlying container. Therefore, the DataBuffer object corresponding to this named parameter will not be part of the result object. The following code provides some example for owning and non-owning out parameters:

// owning out parameters:
auto result = comm.alltoallv(send_buf(data),
auto recv_buffer = result.extract_recv_buffer();
auto recv_counts = result.extract_recv_counts();
// auto send_counts = result.extract_send_counts() // compilation error: this cannot be extracted
// since it is not specified as an out parameter.
// owning out parameters with structured bindings:
auto [recv_buffer, recv_counts] = comm.alltoallv(send_buf(data),
// non-owning out parameters:
std::vector<T> recv_buffer = ...; // allocate sufficient memory
std::vector<int> recv_counts; // allocate sufficient memory

For more information about the result object, we refer to its doxygen documentation.

Resize Policy

Resize policies are important only for out parameters. They control if and how the underlying memory/container are resized if the provided memory is not large enough to hold the computed values.

  • no_resize: the underlying container is not resized and the caller has to ensure that it is large enough to hold all data.
  • grow_only: KaMPIng will resize the underlying container if its initial size is too small. However, a container's size will never be reduced.
  • resize_to_fit: KaMPIng will resize the underlying container to have exactly the size required to hold all data.

The default resize policy is no-resize (except for empty named out parameters such as recv_buf_out() or recv_counts_out()). For grow-only or resize-to-fit KaMPIng requires the container to posess a member function resize(unsigned integer) taking an (unsigned) integer specify the requested number of elements of tye value_type which the container should store. Note that KaMPIng can resize recv_buf only if the corresponding recv_type matches the size of the underlying container's value_type. Otherwise the user must ensure that the container is large enough and only no-resize is allowed.

std::vector<T> recv_buffer;
std::vector<int> recv_counts(comm.size());
comm.alltoallv(send_buf(data), // no resize policy necessary, as in parameters are read-only const
send_counts(counts), // no resize policy necessary, as in parameters are read-only const
recv_buf_out<resize_to_fit>(recv_buffer), // will be resized by KaMPIng
recv_counts_out<no_resize>(recv_counts) // has to be large enough to hold all recv counts

List of Named Parameters

In the following we give a list of all currently used named parameters in KaMPIng.

Parameter Name Factory Function In-Parameter Factory Function Out-Parameter Remarks
send_buf send_buf(...) - no out parameter available as send_buf is the canonical input parameter
recv_buf - recv_buf_out(..)/recv_buf(...) no in parameter available as recv_buf is the canoncial output parameter. recv_buf() is an alias for recv_buf_out()
send_recv_buf send_recv_buf(...) - e.g. in MPI_Bcast serves as send buffer on root rank and output parameter on other ranks; also used to indicate MPI_INPLACE
send_count send_count(...) send_count_out(...)
send_counts send_counts(...) send_counts_out(...)
send_displs send_displs(...) send_displs_out(...)
recv_count recv_count(...) recv_count_out(...)
recv_counts recv_counts(...) recv_counts_out(...)
recv_displs recv_displs(...) recv_displs_out()
send_recv_count send_recv_count(...) send_recv_count_out(...)
op op(...) - encapsulates the reduction function in, for example, MPI_Reduce/MPI_Allreduce
source source(...) -
destination destination(...) -
status status(...) status_out(...)
statuses statues(...) statuses_out(...)
request request(...) -
root root(...) -
tag tag(...) -
send_mode send_mode(...) -
values_on_rank_0 values_on_rank_0(...) - optionally encapsulates values to be used on rank 0 in MPI_Exscan
send_type send_type(...) send_type_out(...)
recv_type recv_type(...) recv_type_out(...)
send_recv_type send_recv_type(...) send_recv_type_out(...)

For further information about the usage of named parameters, we refer to the doxygen documentation of the wrapped MPI functions.