KaMPIng 0.1.0
(Near) zero-overhead C++ MPI bindings.
No Matches
Coding Guidelines


We are writing a header-only library. Using the provided .clang-format library is mandatory. The CI will reject non-conforming pull-requests.

Scoping and Naming

  • We are working in the kamping (KaMPIng) namespace to avoid polluting the user's namespace with trivial names as in, out, or root.
  • Everything that is not user facing lives in the internal namespace.
  • Classes and structs start with an Upper case letter and are using CamelCase.
  • Start variables, attributes, functions, and members with a lower case letter. Use snake_case, that is, separate words by an underscore (_). Write acronyms in lower case letters, e.g., partitioned_msa and generate_mpi_failure. This also applies to KaMPIng -> kamping.
  • Use the above naming scheme for wrapped MPI functions without adding underscores where the corresponding MPI function doesn't have one.
  • structs have only trivial methods if at all, everything more complicated has to be a class. structs are always forbidden to have private members or functions.
  • std::pair leads to hard to read code. Use named pairs (structs) instead.
  • Private attributes and member functions start with an underscore, e.g., _name or _clear_cache().
  • Getters and setters are overloaded methods, for example author.name() is a getter and author.name("Turing") the corresponding setter.
  • For methods which return a boolean, consider prefixing the name with is, e.g., is_valid() instead of valid()
  • Methods which return a number with non-obvious unit should have the unit as a postfix, for example length_px() instead of length().
  • Declare methods and attributes in the following order: public, protected, private. Inside these regions: using (typedefs) and (scoped) enums, structs and classes, attributes, methods.
  • Use .cpp and .hpp as file endings. File names are lowercase and separate word using an underscore. For example sparse_all2all.hpp.
  • Name local variables with full names. If a name would get too long, write a comment explaining the full meaning of the variable. Use acronyms very sparingly. Some allowed acronyms: len for length (of), num for number (of), mpi.
  • Use informative names for templated types. "T1" etc. is only allowed for very general code. Template names are in CamelCase (like classes), e.g. GeneratorFunction.
  • Types defined with using inherit the naming rules of the type they are aliasing.

Writing Tests

For details on how to write tests see the Testing Guidelines.

Rules for functions

TODO @Demian @Matthias: Rules for API

  • For internal functions: Return output only values via the return statement, even multiple return values.
  • For internal functions: Return in-output values via a reference argument.
  • Mark the parameters as const where possible.
  • Mark member functions as const where possible. Use mutable for caches to be able to keep getters const.
  • Add MPI wrapper functions to Communicator using CRTP mixins: Create a new class that inherits from CRTPHelper with protected constructor, without any member variables, and Communicator as template parameter where you implement your functionality. Then let Communicator inherit from your new class. See the corresponding test in tests/plugins_test.cpp for an example.
  • Implement related MPI functions in the same class (like send, recv, and sendrecv).
  • Use templated methods instead of passing a function pointer etc. as this allows the compiler to inline the function. Use static_assert to check the signature of the function being passed as an argument.
  • Implicit conversions are forbidden, constructors with only one parameter have to be marked as explicit.
  • Is one of the following functions declared, either implement, default, or delete all the others: Constructor, copy constructor, move constructor, copy assignment operator, move assignment operator, destructor. If you don't need some of them and don't want to think about if they would be easy to implement, delete them. Either way, write a comment explaining either why you think they should not be implemented, are hard to implement, or that you don't need them and didn't want to bother implementing them.

Header files and includes

  • Use #pragma once instead of include guards, as it is available on all important compilers.
  • Include all used headers, don't rely on transitive inclusions. Maybe use include-what-you-use to check.
  • The #include statements will be automatically grouped and sorted by clang-format: STL headers come first, then other system headers followed by KaMPIng headers.
  • Do not use using namespace in header files as this would then also apply to all files including this header file.
  • Use the kamping/ prefix when including our own header files.


  • Use east side const.
  • Use the more concise size_t over std::size_t. Do not put using size_t = std::size_t into your code.
  • Use nullptr instead of NULL or 0.
  • Use using instead of typedef.
  • Use sizeof instead of constants.
  • Use C++ style casts; if possible, use asserting_cast<destType>(srcValve) or throwing_cast<destType>(srcValue).
  • Use // instead of /* */ for comments, even multi-line comments.
  • Add Doxygen documentation for each (!) function and member variable, even private ones. Describe what this function does, which parameters it takes and what the return value is. Also describe all assumptions you make. This rule applies to all functions, even trivial ones.
  • Start comments describing TODOs with // TODO .... This allows grepping for TODOs.
  • Use almost always auto.
  • Use scoped enums (enum class) instead of unscoped enums (enum).
  • Prefer smart pointers over raw pointers.
  • Avoid std::bind, use lambda functions instead as they result in better readability and allow the compiler to inline better.
  • Use the subset of C++ which compiles in gcc10, clang10 and icc19.
  • Use the KASSERT() macro with the appropriate assertion level to validate the internal state of your code or user supplied data.
  • Use the THROW_IF_MPI_ERROR() macro for MPI errors.

Short-circuit evaluation in KASSERT() macros

Since we overload the && and || operators, KASSERT cannot short circuit assertion expressions. This can lead to unexpected behaviour, for instance:

KASSERT(ptr != nullptr && ptr->check_sth()); // might seg fault if ptr == nullptr
// or
KASSERT(!pe_is_root() || [&]{
KASSERT(/* Stuff that matters only on root. */);
}()); // The lambda is evaluated on *all* PEs.

This is impossible to fix since C++ does not allow us to overload the && and || operators while preserving short-circuit evaluation. Therefore, it is not allowed to write

KASSERT(false && true);

Instead, add an extra pair of parenthesis:

KASSERT((false && true));


Code should compile with clang and gcc (not icc) without warning with the warning flags given below. If you want to submit code which throws warnings, at least two other persons have to agree. Possible reasons for this are: False-positive warnings.

# TODO: Use CheckCXXCompilerFlag for this?
# OFF by default.


  • Use "modern" CMake as build system
  • Use Doxygen for documentation. TODO @Florian: Which style?
  • Use git submodule to include dependencies. TODO: Explain in the README, how to work with git submodules.
  • Write many unit tests for your code. If there is no unit test for it, it does not exist. Also check for nonsensical inputs and edge cases.